
Showing posts from January, 2019


Being Human is just being yourself, having the freedom or liberty to be whoever you want to be. Having the consciousness to be able to create and discover yourself as an individual bearing the will and desire to be who you want to be. To be able to do things without caring about the judgment. Being human means accepting all that you are and living your life the way it suits you void of regret or worry.  Being human means showing or expressing your emotions and displaying your reactions.  Cry when you are upset; laugh like a maniac when something excites you, smile when something attracts you and loving people with all your heart and letting them know that. Expressing yourself when someone hurts your feelings is just human. Call it passion, call it heart, call it determination, call it desire but it is that which makes you normal, it is that which keeps me going and keep pressing on. Discovering your hidden values, treasures and potentials inside of you and...


    A champion can only retain his championship having conquered all opposers or competitors and countering all oppositions. A legend is someone who has made history, one who has done something extraordinary, who has created a record that is unbeatable or unmatchable. You need extra effort to achieve something that is extraordinary. A legend is a famous important person who is known for doing something extremely well. When you are doing something, always endeavour to do it well. Legends are being looked up to as role models. When looking or searching for a role model, one shouldn’t sort after or look for fashion lovers, celebrities or those whose lives centres on just attaining fame or popularity but rather look for those who have done one or two things that seems unimaginable, or that have achieved heights that seems unachievable.  Look for those who have impacted lives positively, that has changed the mentality of others, that have stirred...