
Showing posts with the label Struggle


E very step towards achieving success requires struggle, sacrifice and commitment. All human life has its seasons and cycles, and no one personal pandemonium is permanent. In as much as change is the only thing that is permanent. Life is a struggle and as such, persistency is required. So many people have made wrong choices or decisions, gone the wrong path and thus have misdirected their destinies. Don’t be scared of trying out new things or discoveries, thinking that because nobody has attempted yours might not work out. Endeavor to make right decisions cause when they are wrong everything will go odd. The circumstance we encounter today, strengthens us and develop our minds for tomorrow. – David Clevis. Many people tend to struggle in making decisions due to the fact they may know what to do, but don’t know how to go about it. Others may know how to eventually go about it, if given the idea but at the first instance they are clueless. People may tend to se...