Mental creativeness is mental power; one can only be creative when he is intelligent. Intelligence brings ideas and when you have the ideas, what next? It all boils down to developing them.

Attaining success is about how creative you can be, and when you are creative you tend to generate, form or make things via your own way, implementing your own style or pattern.

Being passionate is being enthusiastic, when you are keen in achieving a particular thing.

Thinking is a mental exercise, it helps to put the brain to work, like  the saying goes “Too much of everything is bad” so when you think just way too much pondering on your present predicament and not yearning for positivity you tend to develop or increase the percentage of your Blood Pressure (BP).

Positive thinking propagates a positive vision.

When the visionary is in need of a vision, he falls back to thinking.

For one to be creative is to be imaginative, and when you are imaginative you become inventive and resourceful.

Thinkers are never void of ideas, creative people sort out new ways, try out new tactics and do not stick solely or depend on the old plans.
Mental creativeness is the capacity to transform your thoughts into reality – David Clevis 

Being Positively Passionate:
Being passionate is burning with an intense feeling to accomplish something great.

My passion is what keeps me going, cause am zealous and I believe that the work of my hands will help change the world. – David Clevis.

Determination is essential if you so desire to achieve a positive result. Mental creativeness is self building, its self developing; it depicts building up your mind. When you are not determined in anything you do; you are actually a forerunner of failure.

In conclusion; If you are not determined to do things without being told to do them you are no man of action, cause action takers act not based on uncertainty.


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