Why forging ahead may seem difficult at first?

Reasons why people find it hard to forge ahead with their lives after breaking up

Forging ahead after a broken relationship, seems quite difficult at first due to the pains one has to go through, anxiety and regrets over their past relationship, making their partner a part of their lives, leaving them shattered and battered and in worst cases, this may result in perfect hatred for their ex if things weren't settled amicably.

Have you ever wondered why people feel pains trying to forge ahead with their lives as a result of a heartbreak they underwent?

There are reasons why people still hate one another after breakup, one of which is likely because there wasn't a proper settlement between both parties, perhaps one wasn't pacified enough and the outcome of this might leave them as enemies. For one of them the memories of their promises still rings fresh.

Relationships as we all know can fold up at any time due to unforeseen circumstances which might be beyond our control; these without doubts are reasons to why people get emotional after breakup. 

A certain number of people out of pain and emotion may consider suicide as a means of elevating what seems to be a burden.

May I tell you that suicide is no means a remedy to ease you of such pain. Indeed there's more to life even after breakup with those who . Forging ahead with one's life after an heartbreak can only be done when one is relaxed both psychologically and emotionally, and not doing so with the intention to hurt their ex by claiming they have moved on with their lives as they could be hurting themselves indirectly. Also, know that you can move on with your life and still maintain a healthy relationship with your ex certainly void of any intimate affection whatsoever. You both may decide to remain friends and forgive one another of your erring’s. 

The fear of having heartbreak once again is one of the reasons why some wouldn't want to consider a second relationship almost immediately. Others may decide to cry over their broken relationship which is quite normal and thereafter, come to the conclusion of not wanting to associate or have anything to do with whom they now see as their ex for fear of doing something that he or she might regret doing because of the pain he or she has undergone.

Know that heartbreak is a two way thing, it goes for both sex; the ladies and the guys, it doesn't hold a particular sex in preference as guys also are victims of this. 

I have heard stories of how guys attempt committing suicide because their girlfriends left them for another guy of which in most cases unfortunately, the suicide attempt was successfully carried out. 

Another reason why people find it hard to move on with their lives after breakup, is as a result of deep intimacy with their partner for which they have fallen so deeply in love and thus find it hard to just let go even when he or she gives reasons some may take to; "if I can't have you, no one else would", "you are mine and mine forever", "if you leave me, I would kill myself" some may say " if you kill me I would kill you, kill her and kill myself" when love turns into obsession such insensitive statements are uttered without knowing its implications as one may get arrested for threat to life.

In some instances, a certain number of people find it hard to concentrate at their place of work as cases such as this affects their performances at work. 

Quite a number of ladies may shoo away other potential suitors demanding a relationship with her as she chooses to reflect on the past. It's as though her past keeps on taunting her especially when she's the emotional type, the reflection on those promises made keeps banging on her head: "I gave him my heart, he gave me his word, yet he broke my heart how am I sure you won't you toy with my heart, and they conclude by saying "all men are there same", "stop stalking me".

My Submission:

Starting life afresh seems really hard but with time, you get over with it, know that heartbreaks are certain though it comes unprepared for. My advice is that you pick yourself up and stay focused, at a time as this, do what makes you happy, don't think of suicide to end your life but rather motivate yourself and tell yourself that you don't worth than this. A sure way to avoid heartbreak is by keeping a healthy relationship with your partner, avoid frequent quarrels and fights, this will help in a sustainable relationship.


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