(Opinion) Possible Reasons behind Men of God acquiring Private Jets

Pastor's flying around with Private Jets, have often been criticized as they're categorized as wasters. Some take to the claim that they divert church funds for their personal gain and profiting, other than using it for the betterment and development of the Church.

Others may feel that other than giving to the needy or giving to charity, or perhaps carrying infrastructural projects around their immediate community, they abandon such ideas and seek to benefit themselves alone.

The truth be told, Pastor's and Prophets are not politicians, creation of social amenities are not to be improvised or implemented by them, compelling them to do such and calling them out over the purchase of private jets is sarcastic, a mere waste of time and a juvenile thing to do.

Let's get the facts right; Men of God are not voted into power are they? They ought not to be compelled to give to the needy ought they? But one thing stands and that's practicing what they preach, but how many practice what they had said as propaganda or agenda after assuming power?

A certain man of God once said that he once criticized men of God who had private jets and said they were misplacing priorities and that other than giving to the church or the needy; they're busy acquiring airplanes and jets.

Sooner than later, it then dawned on him when he started receiving flight cancellations back to back of which it was more of an embarrassment, there and then he knew the importance and benefit accrued to having such. He concluded by saying; "you only judge a person because you have not gotten there, get there and see for yourself".

As of present, the man of God owns about 3-4 private jets to his name. Before his realization, he never for once imagined the necessity of acquiring such and when he embarked on a journey, there were issues of weather and as such he arrived late at his destination, he was to take a flight to Benin where his church was situated but all he got was apologies for flights being cancelled on several occasions.

He arrived in the early hours of a Sunday morning by road, heading straight to his church where he was to preach and he was probably exhausted as at then. According to him, he managed to preach and when he got home, he crashed on the Bed and then the Holy Spirit asked him; "Is private jet good". He screamed and shouted "Oluwa o" "Oluwa o".

The above narrative clearly depicts the necessity of a private jet to men of God as it possibly can't be overemphasized. It makes outreaches faster, convenient and timely, avoidance of cancellation of flight tickets or bookings and what have you.

International Crusades and Outreaches:

With the aid of a private jet, one can easily jet in and jet out of a place void of queuing up amongst passengers boarding a plane and at the end of the day being excused for not boarding due to inconsequential reasons. With a private jet, ministers of God can quickly fly out of the country to hold a crusade or an outreach and perhaps jet in afterwards to carry out some church activities in their local assemblies.

Gaining inspiration

Private jet as the word depicts, is a peaceful and orderly environment. Know that; God works and speaks in a peaceful and quiet environment. Such a private place is an avenue to get spiritual leading and guidance.

Fun and bodily relaxation

Apart from ministerial outreaches which is no doubt a fact, another reason is that they may like to take vacations and have a little sightseeing. The fact that they're men of God doesn't mean they aren't humans.

They aren't entertainers but are kingdom celebrities, they may choose to go off land and have a nice ride. You probably may not know what it feels unless you get there. No worries, just you relaxing.

Private meetings

Having private meetings and embarking on private journeys which ought not to be publicized might also be a reason for why they possibly acquire private jets.

With private jets, we fly around the world with ease and convenience, there's no such thing as flight seats already occupied as you literally enjoy luxury at its best. One may inquire what he or she might be in need of before boarding a private jet.

An answer to that is that you need nothing much other than your passport and visa alone. The reasons for flights cancellations, has made quite a number of people who are financially buoyant to acquire private jets and airplanes for their comfort and general satisfaction.

What other reason are there that you feel weren't mentioned, share your views and opinions at the comment section.


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