Getting back on one's feet can only be done via determination. There is no greater joy in which one may derive other than reclaiming his lost chances or opportunities back again. When you decide that your background can't put your back on the ground reclaiming your position, regaining your grounds, resetting records, making history once again and breaking limits is certain.

This is a form of reinstatement; Picking up your carcasses and making something reasonable with yourself. Get the consciousness that the path to success is not one whose walkway is designed with diamond or gold but a path that's adventurous and comprises of challenges and obstacles.  The challenges you face can only delay you but certainly can't deny you of your reinstatement. 

You falling down doesn't mean you won't rise again on your feet. So many people had fallen before, those who were determined to get on their feet again actually did and accomplished their desires because they yearned for positivity.
There is no success without failure. At any stage in life whenever you encounter any form of challenges Motivate yourself “even though I fall as often times, I will rise again”. Self-encouragement goes a long way to boost your morale and esteem.
Whatever the trouble may be, no matter how sorrowful the situation may turn out to be, always be encouraged with the mindset that all would be well, once again you would stand tall and raise your head above all obstacles posing as barrier to your way.

Though it is also a fact that there may be delay in form of time to us achieving purpose, but your ability to pay attention to your target keeps you prepared towards setting a record that would be totally different from what you might have done earlier in life thereby making history once again.

Be strong, be courageous liken yourself to the birds; as the birds do not struggle to fly and as it is just natural that they fly; you would fly once again.

Know this fact; you don’t have to compete with anyone on this planet earth to be successful the moment your mind is made up and you are keen on achieving it nothing would be impossible to you.

No problems, challenges or difficulties you face is insurmountable get up, rise up and take your challenges heads on.

“Challenge the undefeatable to be the impossible”. David Clevis.


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