Osinachi's Death; A lesson to every 5 who wishes to continue with an abusive relationship

Of a fact, an abusive marriage is a product of an abusive relationship. The concept marriage, isn't a child's play and as such, adequate counselings, and advices are to be given. If one who intends to get married feels that advices given to him or her are too much, then try ignorance. It's important to understand that death is a friend of no one and it doesn't come calling, it claims its victim unawares.

Dynamic and iconic gospel star, known for her golden voice as to what people describe as "angelic ministration", has made her exit out of planet Earth. The Abia born, Osinachi Nwachukwu died three days ago and her death has no doubt left many in shock.

Before going on with the main subject, I write to correct an assumption of what people feel or interpret to be tolerance; Condolence of one's character is totally acceptable as one needs to be tolerant, but when it becomes too much and becomes a burden then it is a signal of impending danger. Everything in life has a limit, there's a degree to which fish can remain on land, there's a limit to which a rubber band can be adjusted, and there's a limit to a relationship.

There's a wrong motion which some people have; they say be careful of people who have nothing to offer, but may I say this, there are people who have something to offer but are not supposed to be in your life. A renowned man of God once said, "I know people who say they can't be with people who don't bring anything to the table, may I give you a shocker, there are some people who are after your life they don't just bring the table, they would bring the full table". It is important to understand that an offer can take you to the gutter.

Never force yourself into marriage or into a relationship, take your time to observe carefully whom you choose to spend the rest of your life with. It's best to marry late than end up in the wrong marriage.

The challenges so many people are having presently in their marriages today, is that they failed to look beyond the love they had for their spouse and hastingly made preparations to their weddings. Renting the best of halls, hiring the best of cars, hiring the best of MC's or comedians as the case may be would not make a marriage work. Having the best of event decorations or bridal shower is not a facilitator of a successful marriage but rather peaceful coexistence, mutual understanding and love is.

So many have been victims of physical abuse, that of Osinachi's has become more pronounced and has gained the attention of the public because the victim is no doubt a renowned figure in the country. We can't give an appropriate figure of just how many women have died silently as a result of physical, emotional and psychological trauma they had to experience in their matrimonial homes.

No matter the level of love, when physical abuse becomes the order of the day, the best and only option is to quit. It is important to note that God answers prayers but he also expects us to apply our discretion in handling issues, marriage inclusive.

Osinachi's death, A lesson to every woman 👇

The news regarding Osinachi's death has spread like wild fire throughout the country and has been on the lips of Nigerians. The story pertaining to her death is a very sad one I would say. There has been quite a number of claims and controversies surrounding the death of this iconic gospel star and songstress.

Award winning and record label producer, Frank Edward, being a close friend of the deceased, had before now, revealed the fact that Osinachi perservered amidst torture, and physical abuse by Husband. He had advised her on countless basis but to her, the fear of her husband was the beginning of wisdom.

Reasons Osinachi persevered amidst physical abuse and torture by her Husband - opinion

As a legendary star that she was, and a role model to many, It would be seen as a disgraceful or shameful act for her to end her marriage knowing her status in the society, for her to make her marriage a public affair would certainly result to mockery and shame and with the intention of hiding her head and avoiding derogatory comments by critics she beared all the pains and tortures she went through on daily basis till her demise.

Her story, leaves me to wonder if her tears while ministering was as a result of the internal pains she was going through and her only means of expression was through song ministrations.

I find it a hard nut to crack because the news of being molested to this extent, worst still to the point of using coercive means to collect money given to her as payment for her being hired is the highest point of wickedness and inhumanity.

No matter the grievances, or misunderstanding, no relationship is worth it when physical abuse becomes the order of the day. That love is pretentious one. No true man who loves his wife would beat her up talk less of beating her to pulp.

Marriage goes with compassion, forgiveness and tolerance. No true relationship can stand the test of time if it isn't built on this foundation.

If you feel your social status or your high level of religious commitments would make you endure an abusive relationship, it's best to think twice, we all have 1 life to live and as such, should put the security of our lives first before your social life.


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