WALKED AWAY There were times when we had no option but to walk away from some daring situations, which tend to test our intelligence. Many atimes, because it is difficult to deal with, or does not give you any advantage you just walk away from things. Anytime you remember or recall such painful or tragedic events or happenings you feelings get hurt. When you walk away without handling that situation you are giving more room for history to repeat itself once again and unfold and when it does, you will be destabilized by the circumstance. Atimes, people who you think care about you, do not really care they just wait patiently and are eager to hear your story pretending to feel remorse or regretful about the present predicament or situation in which you are facing or passing through. the moment you tell them your secrets on hearing them, they just walk away from your life. Not wanting to give you answers for abadoning you in such critical, desperate, testing time when you ...