were times when we had no option but to walk away from some daring situations,
which tend to test our intelligence. Many atimes, because it is difficult to
deal with, or does not give you any advantage you just walk away from things. Anytime
you remember or recall such painful or tragedic events or happenings you
feelings get hurt.
you walk away without handling that situation you are giving more room for history
to repeat itself once again and unfold and when it does, you will be
destabilized by the circumstance.
people who you think care about you, do not really care they just wait patiently
and are eager to hear your story pretending to feel remorse or regretful about
the present predicament or situation in which you are facing or passing
through. the moment you tell them your secrets on hearing them, they just walk
away from your life. Not wanting to give you answers for abadoning you in such
critical, desperate, testing time when you needed them the most, when you
needed a friend to watch your back, when you needed a friend’s advice to
console you from been drenched emotionally, psychologically and otherwise.
set of ladies they tend to walk away from a marriage at the first sign of a
some men walk away from their wives after two to three year of childless marriage,
forgetting that they might also encounter same problem else where, with someone
else. One of the major things that limits us is IGNORANCE.
were ignorant of our past, we are been ignorant of our present and yet still be
ignorant about our future.
major key towards achieving your destiny, towards having a successful marriage,
career, profession is PATIENCE
is a key element to success.
deceive yourself by walking away from challenges or distress because you can’t
handle it at that particular time, when it repeats itself, what will you do?
you run away from it again?
you ignore it for the second, third, fourth, fifth ....time?
yourself, this situation i can overcome you. Always remember whatever situation
you are going through presently others have also gone through. Some overcame,
others were suppressed, overpowered by it, but don’t loose hope on yourself, do
not feel depressed, timid, down graded or stir up any doubt in yourself or have
low self esteem.
Tell that situation “I am the head and not the tail” – Deut 28
about the past, forge ahead, fill your memories with joyful or lively ideas,
things that get you excited, but do not get excited over negative things or get
carried away by putting up your negative thoughts.
life is much more pleasant when you reflect on positive things other than
allowing your heart to get darkened by sorrowful moments recollected by you.
as much as possible, to make your day-to-day activities memorable”.
Don’t take decisions
into your hands think of clever and quick way or method to get yourself out of
that pressing situation?
No mater how awful
someone acts never drop down to their level. If you do, you give room for them to mock
and make jest of you.
Walk Away from friends who have no focus, and who tend to mislead you.
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