Striving for the best

Always strive to be the best by aspiring for success, when you know what you are doing and how to go about it you will certainly get the result in no time.
Being the best takes extra efforts, it requires determination, focus and stability
Being firm and unshakened by circumstances which may arise as a test to you is what I call or refer to as determination
Determination is a positive emotional feeling that involves persevering towards a difficult goal, in spite of obstacles or barriers. One can only be determined only when he or she has a goal to achieve. A aim to attain Determination can be likened to motivation and dedication.
For you to be the best you can’t depend or rely on yourself alone you also need the alliance of others that’s where Co-operation comes in.
Co-operation: seen as the act of working together or in unity towards achieving a common goal, aim or objective.
Co-operation requires bringing or merging different ideas or opinions towards getting a common idea.
The staff or workers in an establishment A goal for one is also a goal for all.

Hard work

Hard-work: working hard in most cases doesn’t really mean working extra hours but contributing the best of your quota towards the growth, development, advancement and promotion of the establishment to/in which you belong.

Hard work simply means putting in your best effort, i.e putting the reputation of the company towards careful thought and analyzing your work skills.


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